Steele Communications provides a wide range of consulting services:
- Technical Assessment (pre-installation site survey, requirement specification, etc.)
- Training (html, perl, http (web) server administration)
- Programming (CGI programming in Perl and C, Java development)
- Installation Assistance (US or abroad)
Case Studies
Steele Communications undertook two technical assistance assignments in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. The
purpose of these assignments was to conduct an initial technical assessment in preparation for Guinea-Bissau's
participation in the US Agency for International Development's "Leland Initiative".
Jeff Steele, President of Steele Communications, travelled to Guinea-Bissau where he met with officials from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications
and Guinea Telecom in order to assess the regulatory environment for Internet activites. In addition, several
training and informational sessons were conducted for Guinean business and political leaders to introduce them to the Internet.
Steele's report on the regulatory and technical environment assisted USAID in their planning for the establishment of an international
Internet gateway in Bissau. Training courses he conducted in UNIX administration and TCP/IP network administration assisted in the establishment of a local Internet
Service Provider.
Jeff Steele travelled to Ulanbaator, Mongolia in order to conduct a technical assessment of the requirements for providing
Internet connectivity to the Parliament of Mongolia. During his stay, he provided training in Windows NT administration and assisted
in the configuration of a Windows NT based Internet server in the Parliament. As a result of Steele's efforts, the Parliament was able
to obtain a dedicated Internet connection and begin providing email service to all Members of Parliament.
The second stage of this project -- providing IP connectivity to the MPs' desktops, in currently being planned.
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